Terms of use:
- You must be 18 years of age or older to use this site.
- You agree to use this site only if it is legal for you to do so in your jurisdiction.
- You agree that you are not offended by the depiction of nudity in photos or videos.
- You agree that you will not redistribute any of the content appearing on this site.
- You agree to not share your password with anyone.
- You agree not to use any device or software that interferes with the normal functioning of the website or that consumes more than 500 megabytes of our server's bandwidth per day.
The site administrator may terminate the membership of anyone who does not comply with these terms and no refund will be issued.
All images and videos in MythicWomen.com are protected by United States copyright law and the Berne Convention.
Privacy Policy:
Your credit card information is collected by our third party card processors using industry standard encryption and is subject to their privacy policy.
We request an email address to allow for automated password updating and similar administrative activities. We do not send unsolicited advertisements, nor do we share your email address with other marketers.
To help us understand how our customers (and potential customers) view our site, we may collect IP addresses and other information that you send us in HTTP headers, but these data are aggregated for statistical purposes and are not individually identifiable to you.
We use cookies to confirm that visitors to our site are over the age of 18 and to assist with collecting the statistical data described in the above paragraph. Deleting any of these cookies will not substantially affect your enjoyment of the site.